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Blogger ate it

Hello! Today is packing day.

Something weird is going on with my blog, because I redesigned yesterday and noticed that the current entry [which was Monday] had no comments, and then I noticed you couldn't comment on it because blogger would pop up with an error message when you did try... plus when I republished with the new design Monday's entry disappeared. Poof. Gone. Just like that.

Oh well, it was really just another post where I bitched about how I'm not myself lately. I bet you're getting sick of those entries. I have to apologise. I hope that when I come back from Melbourne I will be different. And at the very least I hope that I control myself and eat lots of veggie soups and salads instead of pizza and chips.

So far only 1 person that lives in Melbourne wants to meet me. :( It is okay it really is, we're going off to a sea salt spa place in St. Kilda. That morning I think I will spend shopping in St. Kilda. Last night mr. ralph and I checked out all these sites online and I found a few places I'd like to visit.

I will probably get a chance to post in Melbourne, but I'm not sure when or if I will make it a priority. So if you don't see entries for a while, not to worry!

Wish me luck.


theaddict said…
This is just a test!
Testes, testes..

I would LOVE to meet you!

Lemme see if I can round up Lady Mistree and LPTEBA also.

I can only come over the weekend. Is this convenient?

I've sent you my phone number via email, let me know via email or sms what days suit you the most.
Pirate Princess said…
Wish I could meet you too, but I'm not anywhere near there. Sorry.
Michele sent me today. Seems there is alot of that "Not myself these days" going around... :0) Hope you have a WONDERFUL trip!
Anonymous said…
i am nowhere near melbourne either but if you happen to stop by canada on your way.... ;)

safe trip!
Crayonsetc said…
I think I am really glad you are traveling today!!

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