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I'm a little late with this one, sorry Argy, but I finally remembered I was tagged while I was away. So here it goes:

Three names I go by: Bec, Rebecca and Becca

Three screen names I've had: Rebeka, Rbk, and Mari

Three physical things I like about myself: My eyes, My toes, and my mouth

Three physical things I don't like about myself: My legs, My bum, and my upper arms

Three parts of my heritage: huh? I am part French, Irish, and mutt?

Three things I am wearing right now: Butterfly t-shirt, panties, and toenail polish

Three favorite bands/musical artists : Sarah McLachlan, Nirvana, Sting (a real mixture, not easy to pick)

Three favorite songs: Magic Carpet Ride, Pieces of You, and Building a Mystery (so hard to pick 3)

Three things I want in a relationship: Patience, Understanding, Love

Two truths and a lie: (you pick the lie) I can use my toes like fingers, I have one brother and one sister, and my favourite food is chocolate

Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you: Eyes, Bum, and hair

Three favorite hobbies: Blogging, Reading, and Web Design

Three things I want to do badly right now : Lose this last 3 kilos, Go somewhere warm, and move back to the US

Three things that scare me: Moving back to the US, Spiders, and Thinking about anything related to the end of the world

Three of my everyday essentials: coffee, lip balm, and water

Three Careers you have considered or are considering : Journalist/writer, web designer, and Nightclub owner

Three places you want to go on vacation: England, Mexico, and anywhere tropical

Three kids' names you like: Alise (girl), Buckley (boy), and Bren (girl)

Three things you want to do before you die: Have babies, write a best seller, and travel a lot more

Three ways I am stereotypically a boy: I like meat pies, footy and beer

Three ways I am stereotypically a girl: I like makeup, shoes, and shopping

Three celeb crushes : Tom Cruise, Vince Vaughn and Sarah Mclachlan

Three people I am tagging with this list : hmmm HonestyRain, Skinnier than a Cow, and Big Girle Beatte If you've been tagged with this before, my apologies


Kevin said…
Vince Vaughn and Tom Cruise, huh? One guy who played a psycho and another who just might be one. Hmmmm...

BTW, here from Michele's.
Wenchy said…
Would not mind writing a best seller myself!
CheekyMoo said…
I haven't been but I'll do it! I'll forgive you for liking Tom Cruise even. ;-) I do believe you can use your toes like fingers, so I'm gonna go with chocolate as the lie. I like your band choices too!
theaddict said…
Oh wow! Go Cheeky for the right answer.
theaddict said…
Oh and I have to defend my crushes! Vince Vaughn is hot hot hot. I don't know what it is, maybe it is his voice? He is so funny in Old School, and I just, he gives me a weird feeling in my tummy. heh. I love him in everything he is in. And Tom Cruise was an old crush (pre Nicole even) I don't like him so much anymore, but I don't have many celebrity crushes so I had to use him. I think I liked him back when Top Gun came out, so yeah, that is OLD.
Anonymous said…
So, what's your real name, Rebeka or Rebecca?

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