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What to do??

I am having a dilemma right now about the pain I am having in my neck/shoulders. It is worse than it was the last time I had an episode, but it hasn't caused any numbness in my arms, which is a very GOOD thing. The problem is, do I phone my spinal surgeon and tell him about it, or do I just continue managing it at home until it subsides or gets worse?

I've been managing okay so far, and I haven't had to miss any work, which is good because Worker's Compensation have issued a discontinuance because I've been pretty much cleared for work now. But it doesn't mean that if I have something happens to cause a need for future time off work they won't reconsider opening my case.

I don't even want to think about going backwards with this thing, but when you are in pain, these are the things you think about.

I know as well that the pain could just be normal. Quite often these things get inflamed for no good reason and I have to live with it. But it worries me that it is so bad lately. It is very bad at night and in the morning. My wonderful sleep is getting interrupted. The codeine is causing some problems too, and I'm not even taking that much. I have been feeling rather backed up lately, I know, I'm beautiful for sharing that.

As for the weight thing, well this week I haven't stepped on the scale even once. I remember not so long ago I was on and off that thing every day and obsessing. It feels good to not have the constant worry about the numbers, but it is still in the back of my mind.

It wasn't a great week. I admittedly have lots of cravings lately for bad things. I want salty, and I want sweet. I want thick wonderful bready, cheesy things that are bad for me. I try to put it out of my head, but it is hard.

Tomorrow it is back to face the scales at Weight Watchers. I'm scared, but in a way looking forward to it. July is now fading from sight and there is one more month of the calendar winter left to get through. I can do this!

Two very good friends of mine (the sisters) have joined Weight Watchers and have each lost about 3 kilos each this month. I'm very happy for them because my diligence and persistence have really showed them the way. I'm hoping that they stick to it.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I'll keep you posted about the pain. I have the day off of work today and am going to treat myself to a mini shopping trip in the city. I deserve it!


Argy said…
oright...since the question was what to do, here is the list:

1. see a naturopath - holistic med if you can. they always have amazing simple treatments for such things that cure on the spot

2. take pics of your shopping items and post them in flickr. Come on, make me green, you got such a great taste in clothes

3. face your WW meeting tomorrow with grace. Dont get upset or sad or whatever. Tis strictly forbitten!!! Instead, lift your chin up, and enter the room with the pride you should have for the hard work you have done you gorgeous woman who went from the 100's to the 60's!

4. Remind yourself that there are so many people that care for you who find you beautiful and succesfull and that I am one of them!

so there! asked for you have it ;o)
Wenchy said…
What did you buy on that shopping trip?
Denise said…
How about a chiropractor or acupuncturist? I've had friends use both of those disciplines to manage pain with a great deal of success. Codeine is really great for temporary pain, but if this is chronic, I think you'd be better served by finding a less toxic way of making your body feel better. (My two cents.)
Anonymous said…
Try going to an osteopath - similar to a chiropractor. They can do wonders with neck and shoulder pain. I see one on a regular basis and it makes a huge difference to me.
Shannin said…
I love my chiropracter. He's helped with headaches, shoulder/neck pain as well as my lower back pain. Don't hold off on seeing someone.

Hope you're feeling better soon...

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