Welcome to my hell.
I've discovered quite depressingly that I've managed to gain 2 extra kilos on top of the 1 previously gained adding my current weight total to 67.7, and I have finally updated the side bar to reflect this. It was hard accepting that I now have 5 kilos to lose again and I've put on 3 since winter began.
The Weight Watchers meeting was encouraging, but I can't say I'm proud of the things that encouraged me. The leader seems to have put on heaps of weight and I know by admitting this I am going to loose some friends, but it actually made me feel better to know that I'm not the only one suffering through these winter months.
We spent the entire meeting talking about exercise. My favorite exercise was brought up as an alternative for winter because it is easy to do at home no matter what time of the day, skipping. I love skipping, but I've begun to wonder if skipping is the reason for my recent return of pain.
The doctor cleared me for skipping, but I'm afraid that it was too soon for that kind of jarring impact on my fragile neck.
I thank you guys for all your suggestions. I don't know if it is recommended for someone who has had a spinal fusion to see a chiropractor, this is something I'd have to ask the physio assigned to my case. Also since I don't have private health care I will need work cover to pay for any treatment I get, so it would have to be approved by the spinal surgeon or one of the physios would have to say it is recommended. I doubt he will be recommending it, he is not that interested in the recovery side, as long as the x-rays look good.
I'm going to ask the physio though. Thank you for all the suggestions.
The last time I had a bout of pain it went away within a few weeks, and was helped a lot by taking the prescription anti-infammatory. But that drug is one I never want to take again because of the side affects. If I call he surgeon I am afraid that is what he is going to recommend. I'm pretty sure the area is just inflamed.
I really want to loose at least a kilo this week. This seems like an impossible task because I can't seem to stop putting crap into my mouth... Friday night I ate the remainder of a 150gram bag of Toasted Marshmallows from Darryl Lea. Yesterday we went to the movies and I ate a 150g bag of Twisties. Do I look like a girl that needs marshmallows and Twisties?
Also questions for you Argy: Do you want the pics of the clothes alone or me modeling them?
I've discovered quite depressingly that I've managed to gain 2 extra kilos on top of the 1 previously gained adding my current weight total to 67.7, and I have finally updated the side bar to reflect this. It was hard accepting that I now have 5 kilos to lose again and I've put on 3 since winter began.
The Weight Watchers meeting was encouraging, but I can't say I'm proud of the things that encouraged me. The leader seems to have put on heaps of weight and I know by admitting this I am going to loose some friends, but it actually made me feel better to know that I'm not the only one suffering through these winter months.
We spent the entire meeting talking about exercise. My favorite exercise was brought up as an alternative for winter because it is easy to do at home no matter what time of the day, skipping. I love skipping, but I've begun to wonder if skipping is the reason for my recent return of pain.
The doctor cleared me for skipping, but I'm afraid that it was too soon for that kind of jarring impact on my fragile neck.
I thank you guys for all your suggestions. I don't know if it is recommended for someone who has had a spinal fusion to see a chiropractor, this is something I'd have to ask the physio assigned to my case. Also since I don't have private health care I will need work cover to pay for any treatment I get, so it would have to be approved by the spinal surgeon or one of the physios would have to say it is recommended. I doubt he will be recommending it, he is not that interested in the recovery side, as long as the x-rays look good.
I'm going to ask the physio though. Thank you for all the suggestions.
The last time I had a bout of pain it went away within a few weeks, and was helped a lot by taking the prescription anti-infammatory. But that drug is one I never want to take again because of the side affects. If I call he surgeon I am afraid that is what he is going to recommend. I'm pretty sure the area is just inflamed.
I really want to loose at least a kilo this week. This seems like an impossible task because I can't seem to stop putting crap into my mouth... Friday night I ate the remainder of a 150gram bag of Toasted Marshmallows from Darryl Lea. Yesterday we went to the movies and I ate a 150g bag of Twisties. Do I look like a girl that needs marshmallows and Twisties?
Also questions for you Argy: Do you want the pics of the clothes alone or me modeling them?
And I agree with caleen. A gain is always something that discourages us, but if you see it in the bigger picture, it is nothing.
You know I am sure that come spring all the weight will really drop off you. It is really difficult to loose these last kilos when you look so good and is winter that your body asks for more comfort food!
I have to ask you this. It perhaps will seem a little off track.
You were once 105kgs. I think what you have done is extraordinary! I don't say that lightly.
When you were 105kgs and people talked about being under 70kgs, did you salivate at the mouth and wish you were swimming around the 60-70kgs mark yourself?
The fight for health will always be there. It is an endless journey you and I and most of your readers will struggle with for most of our lives.
I guess what I am saying is, ease up on yourself cupcake. Revel in everything 'woman' about you. Perhaps completely re-evaluate your reasons or your methods to get where you wish to go for the last part of your journey.
I have every faith that you will get where you want to go and be the diva you want to be. (A self confessed diva can sense diva-ness in others *wink*)
Breathe deep. Write down everything. Seriously acknowledge what you have done til now, and work out a new game plan for the next few months. I believe this will help you.
I think I've used up my comments time.
Be true to you Bek.
I also have to laugh about reading "winter" when it's going to be over 90 F today in Minneapolis. What I wouldn't give right now for a string of 60 degree days.