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De-nile is no longer just a river in Egypt, but the planet I have obviously been inhabiting for a long time now.

I am seriously in danger of sacrificing all the hard work I went through in losing weight in the first place.

I have size 12 clothes that are too tight! That is so depressing! Stretch denim, too tight!?!?

I feel so awful.

Just before I came here to post I read the comments from my last entry, and the one that said my entry was motivational was so nice, but seriously people... I am far from being motivated let alone able to help anyone else.

I don't know what to do. Well I know what I need to do, but I feel so bad about myself that I am finding it difficult to focus.


Anonymous said…
just start out with something small, something positive that you can build on... just do one wee thing today, like a walk or a healthy breakfast and give yourself a pat on the back for just making a positive mood. you can do it tiger :) xxox
Anonymous said…
It was motivational for me because you find yourself in a place where I'd like to be. Somewhere in the middle and, maybe losing some faith, but still somewhere in the middle. NOT where you started and still able to salvage all the hard work you put in.

I got myself down to 171 lbs one time and then started to make the wrong choices and here I am at 184-185 lbs.

Don't get yourself in a mindset where you give yourself negative self talk such as "well i already put on 5 lbs so why should I bother trying anymore".

Well having put on 3 lbs got me to put on another 10 lbs on top of that and now I wish I had just picked up the pieces and kept going after gaining the 3 instead of giving up like I did.

You WILL make mistakes and end up putting on weight again. It's to be expected. this isn't easy what we're going. It's what you do after that happens that dictates whether you succeed or fail.

Stop beating yourself up, don't look back, and move forwards. :)
Lil-Biker-Bub said…
try setting a deadline for your self... this works for some and not for other... i feel that i have fallen off the diet waggon too.

all it takes is a small frist step like Dg said.... but then you just have to take another sammm one and another and then before you know it ur back on ur way. do somehting easy and then the next time you are tempted you can say... well i resisted last time do i want to undo that?

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