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No excuse

I bought some new walking shoes this weekend. Basically the others have been in desperate need of being thrown in the bin for more than a few weeks now. So really, I have no excuse not to be walking. And I mean walking! Every. Single. Day.

I feel the heat of summer creeping in and I don't like it, no, not one bit. I do not have the desire to see myself in my bathers either... God no! Please, no!!

What is the deal with Cricket? Can someone tell me? I just cannot bring myself to understand.

Do you ever have songs that you just can't get out of your head no matter how much you try? Well, that is how I feel about this song by Sarah Mclachlan. This song is everything I feel and everything I am at the moment.

I will Not Forget You
I remember the nights when I watched as you lay sleeping
your body gripped by some far away dream,
And I was so scared and so in love then,
And so lost in all of you that I had seen.
But no one ever talked in the darkness,
No voice ever added fuel to the fire,
No light ever shone in the doorway,
Deep in the hollow of earthly desire,
And if in some dream there was brightness,
If in some memory some sort of sign,
Then flesh be revived in the shadows,
And blessed our bodies would lay so entwined.

And I will, oh I will not forget you.
nor will I ever let you go
I will, oh I will, not forget you.

I remember how you left in the morning at daybreak.
so silent you stole from my bed.
To go back to the one who posesses your soul
And I back to the life that I dread.
so I ran like the wind to the water
Please don't leave me again I cried,
and I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide.

I have discovered a new way to spend lots of money on gorgeous clothes! And that is by having the absolutely gorgeous Shelley from Zendezine custom make them for me!

Here is me recently in a bolero jacket and collar she made me:

Notice the fat face when I smile so big. Man I had lots to drink that night!


Shannin said…
That is a cute outfit. Of course the last thing I need is to spend more money on clothes...
Greta said…
How's the walking been going??
Chikki said…
My weightloss is non existent...:-) Thanks for asking though!

I've been hitting the gym every other day...but until I add more water, do harder workouts, and abstain from too many carbs I know nothing's gonna happen. Oh well...

Have a wedding in 11 months...maybe that's enough motivation? Hehe.

Mmm I need a drink too! You look like you had a good time.

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