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Think Slim

Earlier this year one of the Slimming Magazines came with a cd promoting the Think Slim program. I listened to it last night. At the end of the promotional garbage is a 24 minute hypnotherapy section. I don't know how successful the program is, but I thought of ordering it ... until I saw the price. No way!

I don't know if I was actually hypnotised either. I found myself not easily put under. Everything distracted me, but after it was over I did easily fall asleep.

One of the main things he promotes is drinking green tea in between every meal. So I did buy some chai green tea yesterday. I actually abhor the taste of green tea but for some reason when blended with chai it is tolerable. I wonder if you still get the same benefits of the flavinoids this way?

There is one thing I still don't want to do and that is weigh myself. I have no idea how much I have gained from my lowest weight, but I don't want to know either. Maybe after one week of eating right I have more courage to face the scale.


Anonymous said…
Hi there - I like the new look of your blog. A suggestion - why don't you weigh yourself? It really IS only a number - not the measure of you as a whole person. You may have a pleasant surprise, and if not, then you know where you are, and will be able to take action - forward. I really wish you all the best, you are a very eloquent writer.
Greta said…
Hey girl,
I'm so glad you are back. I've been a lurker for a long time (2 years now?) and have been checking back from time to time to see if you were glad you are :)
I've been in that dark place too. Had that (those) bad year(s). It CAN get better :)

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