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Oh boy

This has been a week!

With a lovely Valentine's dinner out (menu to come later) and the TOM, there will be no weigh-in today. I know we are all bitterly disappointed. But I made the decision to stay away from the scale because last night I was literally doubled over in cramps.

My body chemistry can't be very normal at the moment.

I think I will weigh myself in a few days, or I may just wait until next Friday. We shall see.

I've also decided that I think I need to try to say on the lower end of my calorie intake. Spark People says I can have between 1200-1500 a day, but I believe I need to stay very close to 1200.

Elliot (the kitten) is utterly adorable, but she loves to bite. I don't know if this is just a phase or what. I don't remember Buckley being so full of bitey goodness. She is growing on Buckley though and I have seen him licking her and he plays with her but not very rough. It is sweet.


Wenchy said…
Hope you get better soon.
Shannin said…
Man, I had a total brain freeze - I was wondering why you were writing about Friday when it's only Thursday. I forgot you were across the date line...

I know what you mean about not wanting to weigh in. I did on Wed., despite eating "big" on V-Day.
Glad you enjoyed V Day!
Belladora said…
I took this week off from weighing in too...and I just today got back to my weight from last week. New weigh ins next just goes that way sometimes:)

I think I am coming to Adelaide next week with mum. Staying on Saturday night at a motel in Glenelg. I WANT TO MEET YOU!!

Argy said…
Oh honey. Where do I start? *big hug* You know you have a special place in my heart too, do you?

Loosen up. Seriously. You are gorgeous, thin and have absolutely no reason to torture yourself for a few lame kilos. Show them whose the boss darling!

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