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Lots to report

My new weigh-in days are Friday mornings. This was mr. ralph's idea. I guess it will give me incentive to be better on the weekends than I have been in the past.

I now weigh 70.4 kilos, this is a loss of 600 grams!

It is not a lot, but I'll take anything at this point! I guess the walking is doing something!

I've been keeping my food journal at spark people and I find it absolutely terrifying how much I eat on certain days. I've also noticed that the days that I am the hungriest are the days that I eat a lot of carbs like bread etc.

I bought this fantastic magazine on Friday with lots of meal ideas. It is the Woman's Day Diet Extra and it is seriously a great buy. It has lots of low-fat recipes and gives you examples of a lot of popular diets out there like low GI etc.

I also have new shoes. I bought some Nikes, the most inexpensive ones I could find (we don't have a lot of extra cash atm.) and it turns out they are super comfy. I'm still walking lots.

I had a VERY bad day on Thursday, but I am not ready to talk about it. Will have to write more when I feel like sharing.

And now I have someone for you to meet:

Meet Elliot

This is Elliot, our new kitten. She is 7 weeks old and I am already in love with her. Buckley doesn't seem to like her very much, although we think he may not be feeling well today. He is staying under the bed sleeping and the one time she came up to him he hissed at her. I believe this is normal for the first meeting.


Anonymous said…
cute stuff over from the other Michele's
carmilevy said…
What a sweet cat! Makes me want to go out and get one for our house.

But my wife would brain me. So catless we shall remain.
Belladora said…
awww...adorable kitten!

great job on the loss...any loss is a good loss:) keep the workouts coming, they will just speed things up!!!
Awwwww Hi Elliot!

Must be the week for it, Little Miss Sexy just got a new puppy.

Is it just me, or is carmi a bit of a spunk?
Sooz said…
...jus me said…
What a darling kitty! I want another one, but my kitty is a moose-almost 30lbs.
Just keep going, no matter what the loss, that's all any of us can do! And that's the hardest part too! But you can do it!
Jeanna said…
The kitty is too cute :o) I recently got a new kitty myself, but she was already close to a year old...she is my other kitty's sister, from the same litter, but you would never know it to look at them!

Keep up the walking, you are doing awesome!
Zephra said…
Good for you! I am glad you have kept up the walking. Sometimes it is hard to get motivated.

Cute kitty. Almost makes me want one. Then I remember the kitty litter and scratched up kids and furniture....I will just look at your pictures and live through you if you don't mind.
M@rla said…
Yay kitty! So adorable.

I find that some foods - particularly carbs like bread, sweets, and wine - make me very hungry, and it lasts into the next day. For me it's really important to not let that cycle even start; the more I eat the more I want to eat.
Shannin said…
Very cute kitty. Adorable!! I just new Nikes, too. Really comfy. I was afraid they'd be hard to break in... Great job om the loss!
Wenchy said…
You sound so happy. That is nice to see. :)

Well done on the walking... you are always such an inspiration.

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