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What I am thinking?

Right now I am thinking about the fact that my readership has dwindled to a rare few. Why? Maybe because I stopped being serious about losing weight? Maybe because I have offended some or most? I don't know the answer. I just know you aren't reading me.

Also, I am happy that I don't have anything bad to eat in my house. I could eat an entire pizza, minimum chips, and an entire bag of doritos right now. Today was a very bad day.

Toast? Tangerines? Banana anyone?

Oh, I forgot to mention it is the first day of my period.

Being a woman totally sucks sometimes.

We experience emotions that are all over the place on a normal day, then we fucking have to bleed where blood should not be, and experience CRAMPS. I mean seriously, are you kidding?


Anonymous said…
i do not come here because you are trying to lose weight. i would continue visiting even if you accepted yourself and decided to stop worrying about weight. i adore YOU and visiting has nothing to do with weight loss for me.
Anonymous said…
i use to love reading ur blog, now i visit once and a while when im really really bored. i think the reason ur readership has lowered is because its boring reading your stuff now (no offensive)there are so many better diet blogs now, which are entertaining about diet journeys with funny stories not about me, me, me and my cat. maybe u should change your style or write something people actually want to read.
Mamato2boys said…
I have blogs that I read for inspiration for weightloss and then blogs that I read because I feel a connection or common thread with the person writing. Try not to worry that the fair weather fans aren't on your band wagon. Its not worth the energy.

Take care
theaddict said…
I don't normally respond to comments publically, but Hayley you are anonymous! And, I thought it would be good to let everyone know I don't write this to be entertaining, or funny. I write this because it is theraputic for me and it will never stop being about me, me, me, and my cat(s)? I found that so funny! Buckley needs to lose weight too!
k8 said…
hey! i'm a new reader. so there.
Anonymous said…
I have been a lurker for awhile, I stumbled on your blog through a link and read all your archives. I think your blog is great! I wish people would remember that people in anonymous houses shouldn't throw stones- it just makes them look ridiculous :).
Belladora said…
I still read, I just haven't been around this week:)
Anonymous said…
we're all still here! obviously when you post less often, the number of visitors will go down because people won't check for an update quite as often :)

don't worry about you're anon commenter. anyone who can't be arsed writing "your" instead of ur is hardly in a place to judge what's great writing or not. hehe.

Anonymous said…
(excuse my 'you're' typo...i was being ironic, you know :P)
Lynda said…
I still read.. I realise the weight loss journey is not straight down so don't let your ups or downs affect whether or not I read your page.
Jaykay said…
I love reading your blog, although I rarely comment.

It's great to read other people's struggles about life and know that you're not the only one in the world with these issues!!

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