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Where have I been?

I would also like to know.

What is going on with me? I am in avoidance. I weighed myself today, and it probably wasn't a good idea since for dinner last night we ate salty hot chips and dim sims. So healthy!

The salt alone could be a factor, but I am way up on the scale. I am not even going to share the # with you.

Why am I like this? What is going on with me?

I actually have been experiencing a slump, seeping back into depression. How is that possible when I have been taking my medication? I don't know. I have been avoiding all the things that are good for me. I have not been to the physio, I cancelled my appointment with R. this week.

Maybe I did that because I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to say how horribly I am doing.

I wish I could say that I am feeling positive that I can change this dark mood around, but I am not.


Anonymous said…
I hear you. I too have been having problems, which is why I came back and opened a new diary with a new challenge (old one was I'm leaning towards it being a problem with my thyroid but I still need to get motivated and moving. Wish I had the answer for you!
Jeanna said…
I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Symptoms absolutely can persist through medication, that is why it is imperative to notify your doctor, so that your dosage can be tweaked if necessary. Believe me, those times you don't want to tell your therapist how you are feeling, are the times it is most important to do so. You are in my thoughts :o)
Wenchy said…
Hey............. I'm sorry but I have no inspirational words of wisdom for you.

Thinking of you.
Shannin said…
Don't know if this is true with anti-depressants, but maybe as your body gets used to the current dosage it needs to be adjusted?

Keeping you in my thoughts.
I also don't have the answers.

I wish I could sprinkle some glitter over you and make it all right.

Ever feel like a chat, please call me.
Belladora said…
All I can say to you is that you are a huge inspiration. Have you looked at some of the pictures you have posted of yourself??? Absolutely beautiful and healthy! I hope you can get past this slump...We all have so much in life to be healthy for...Hang in there:)
Jen said…
the other day i weighed myself and got 3 different numbers in less than 15 minutes. and these were not tiny differences on the digital scale. but i'll pay more attention to my food intake and post... sucking it in helps me remember that though i need to eat that i don't need to eat too much and that i still have to exercise to wittle my waist. =) best wishes girly.

btw, i found you over the weekend on BlogMad.
Anonymous said…
I've heard that anti-depressants can cause weight gain...maybe this is whats going on with you? Must be difficult to feel as if you're working so hard for this and not seeing any results, but maybe if its not actually you thats the problem...? Just a thought
Denise said…
Concur with Nan - when you don't want to talk with the therapist, that's a sure sign it's time to go in. As someone who has had several nasty bouts with depression, it's just not anything to mess about with and you've worked too hard to see your results go out the window. Get thee to the therapist's couch.
Jen said…
RE: your question...

'cause someone who is on blogmad had a link to ya and well, you're blog title drew me in and i couldn't resist clicking and reading.

i always remind myself to "suck it in"... it makes ya taller too. =)

Where are youuuuu?

Im missing your updates. Good or bad. Talk to us.

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