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Nobody likes the monkey?

Not one little comment about how cute he is? :(

My Buckley was in a fight this morning and he has a hurt ear, neck and leg. We had to take him to the vet for injections. The poor boy has a fever and is not well!

He is just like a child to us so it was hard to hear him wailing and crying while the vet cleaned him up. She had to shave the spots so we could see how deep the scratches/bites were.

I am still staying away from the scale. I want to rejoin Weight Watchers but haven't really made the effort to get myself to a meeting.


Thumper said…
Awwww...he is awfully cute! I hope he was put on antibiotics, too, just in case...
Poor Bailey. :-(

Hope he feels better soon.

Now, WHY haven't you joined ww yet? hmm hmm?
Wenchy said…
I want to join WW also... but the fear of failure is HUGE.
Belladora said…
I'm the exact same way with my 'kids'. I hope things are better soon!
Argy said…
awwww poor baby!!! Is he better yet?
Shannin said…
What a cutie! I'm the same way with my fur-babies...
Anonymous said…
hello gorgeous! thank you so much for the wishes! I am only just getting back into blogging. And happy birthday - i was going to send something with beck but just couldn't get organized - will have to buy you dinner when I am in adelaide next ok?

you look gorgeous in your recent photos by the way....

K said…
I'm in love with your cat. I am DYING for one of my own...but my small apartment and roommates have prevented it so far...

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