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neh neh

Sometimes you just need to make a decision. I have come to the conclusion that all this navel gazing really isn't getting me anywhere.

Weighed myself on Friday. 73 kilos. Wow. Holy Christ!

That is 7 kilos above my lowest weight to date. This gaining has gotten totally out of hand. I have to take control now.

I don't want to whinge and complain anymore about how shitty my life has been, how the problems of my past creep up and bite me in the ass, but the fact is it does happen. I was coasting along and then one day *BAM*.

Eating right? Counting calories/kilojules? Exercising? All out the window.

But today I went for a walk. I have decided that I know what I need to do. Eating right and exercising will benefit me in this fight for my sanity. I dont know why when I start to feel the doom and gloom I give up the very things that could in fact make me feel better. Go figure.

I miss my friends, Beck, Airlie, Argy. I love you guys. And everyone else I really do appreciate your well wishes. I will get through this, even if it is kicking and screaming.


Anonymous said…
"will get through this, kicking and screaming"

Damn! Your will is a thing of beauty. And it's an inspiration. Props to you!
Anonymous said…
Yes, it is interesting how we all can get sidetracked and not do what we know full well what will get us out of the rut. I'm right there with you. But here's the great part about it -- you now recognize it. You couldn't have said that before you started out on this journey, could you have? Not with the conviction in your voice. So pat yourself on the back and get out there and get back into the swing of things. You'll feel better all the way around. Heh. That's my own mantra. Funny how it fits elsewhere, eh? :) You can do this and I'll be here working right along with you, rooting you on! :)
Sweet, gorgeous woman.. I miss you too. We should all move to the same city. Wanna? hehe

It's a 'blah' kinda of month really isn't it? All round.

Does it help to know Im in the same boat (gaining at a fast rate), and really have felt no pull to improve myself lately.

I'm here. Anytime you need to call, call. ANYTIME.

Lots of love and squeezes,
Wenchy said…
You are aware of the problems and I know you will get through this and on top on the other side!
Argy said…
I miss you too gorgeous! There are times lately I surely miss myself too!

I had a great 3 days away, and I am back home today, but still have the day off, and I am going to do all the things Ihave procrastinated forever, and get this 'spring cleaning" feeling!

I think all of us who has been in this journey for too long, miss the zest of a beginner. So how bout we set our minds to NOW? As if we were never more than 100 kilos?

As if we JUST decided to lose weight?

New? Fresh approach?

Are you in?
Belladora said…
I love that pic:)
Shannin said…
I like what Argy said - like we sit around and just decide to lose weight...

Seriously, I'm inspired by your walking today. You are going to get through this!
Anonymous said…
you are missed!!!!

i think we should arrange some sort of interational convention so we can all get together and kick and scream and eat cake together. WHOOPS i mean do an invigorating cardio vascular workout together.
Where are youuuuuuu?

*squashes nose on screen*
Anonymous said…
yes, you will. and on the other side you will shine brighter than ever.
Denise said…
You're in my thoughts and prayers, sweet girl. I know things will get better for you and that you will find ways to take care of yourself (mentally and physically) as you move toward your goals.
...jus me said…
hey girl, atleast you are still in the race! I understand how you feel though! I do the same thing, so we gotta just hang in there and keep moving!
Wenchy said…
you okay?

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