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I am not a number

SO ....
I spent all day yesterday cursing and walking around muttering the number I saw on the scale under my breath.

Trust me when I say I had no idea. You would think that since at one time I was obsessed with the scale and weighed myself almost daily I would have had some clue. But I have been living on another planet, one where alcohol has no calories and exercise is optional. I've been living as if I don't have to watch my weight.

I remember saying once how I wanted to live like that....

I'm over it.

I wanted to walk this morning and it is raining.


Denise said…
Someone once said that when you're in Hell the only way out is to keep on going. I have nothing helpful to add to that except to say that my thoughts will be with you and that I know how it feels.
Anonymous said…
i am nearly in the same spot. next week i will go see my nutritionist and will have to get on THAT scale and see THE numbers. it's been something i have known i need to face up to for awhile - it means change is needed. change is good! you have my support no matter how hard or embarassing or painful it all is. -gin
Anonymous said…
and that, my gorgeous girl, is the first step!

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