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Next please.

Let me introduce you to our first candidate for Queen B's room:

Miss S

First thing I ask is if she will be at work during the day, what does she do? etc. She says she is a student and has a job but she only works one day a week on Thursdays.

I think to myself: How does one live on that kind of income? I want to sign up! Damnit to hell I'm not Australian. Your government f-cking loves you.

Then she actually turns it around on me and asks me what I do! hehe. When I told her I leave almost every morning at 6am her jaw dropped to the ground. She said, "ohmygod!"

So then I ask her, "Do you have any references?"

Miss S nervously says, "Um no you see I haven't been on any leases because I lived in the UK for two years and when I came back home (I assume here) I didn't like it here so I moved to Sydney, but I'm back here now but staying with my sister.(stammering) I mean I could ask her flatmate (some guy's name) to give me a reference but I BETTER ask him first before I give you his number... I can't use my sister..." (yeah better ask him! haha)

I say, "Oh ok, I would like to speak to someone who can tell me if you pay your bills on time." (which was pointless because she obviously hasn't been paying any..)

Then after she went upstairs with Queen B (she is so loud I could hear her) to see his room Han and I discussed her. I obviously didn't like her. Her voice grated on my nerves too. But she was pretty in a great body, boring face kind of way. Han liked her body I could tell! And she plays soccer.

So we talk about the other bills, the utilities. I ask her if she thinks she can afford it. She didnt really answer. Just kept saying oh ok, so like $100 every 3 months for both combined?

I asked her how much stuff she has. She said she lives out of her car basically. So she brings nothing to the table! No tv! ?? Not even charisma!

I ask if there is anything she wants to ask us.

She says, "oh yeah so since you have the internet, you do have a home PHONE right, because my boyfriend lives in the UK and I need to be able to receive calls."

And with that, she was done.

But as she left she said, "When do you think you will know?" um desperate?

I am so not going to live with someone who is a 2 week flight risk to Sydney or the UK or to wherever, whomever takes her fancy. And I'm not about to get a huge phone bill and have her leave me with it.

Bring on the FRENCH GIRL!!!!!

who I will hopefully meet tonight.

I just remembered something, when L interviewed me for my room she told me it was mine on the spot. heh.


Man Named Kim said…
if this wasn't so real, it would make a great sit-com.
Wenchy said…
This was a fun read.
Julia said…
good to see you are back... and i liked the regina spektor quotage... love that song.

i've got a new blog - if you want the address drop me an email and i'll send it your way.

take care,

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