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It began like this...

I saw a photograph of myself that was VERY disgusting and taken only last week. I had to stop and pause. Then I cried. Admittedly the position I was in and the clothes I was wearing were not very forgiving, but I was shocked.

This is how I look?

What a way to begin 2007!

Last night I drank a lot, but I remember everything (so not that drunk). I made French Martinis! They were delicious, but made with chambord, vodka, and pineapple juice. Talk about heavy sugar intake! For lunch it was bbq sausages and for late night snacking, party pies! Yes, disgusting indeed.

And today, for breakfast/lunch we had leftover sausages!

This week I have got to detox, purge the junk out of my life (emotionally and physically). I need to find myself again. I am not happy. I think I am on the bottom of the pit. It is dark down here, but somewhere up above I see a light.


Shannin said…
I hope that 2007 is much better than 2006 was for you. It sounds like you are getting into the right frame of mind for the challenge ahead.
...jus me said…
We are all there with you! Today is the first day of my detoxing. I am soooo craving sugars. Why do I do this to myself?
Greta said…
I think MANY of us have had those moments- seeing that one picture that makes you do a double take and you simply can't believe that's how you REALLY look. I know I have been there, more than once (or twice). Its a new year, a fresh start. Good luck :)
Anonymous said…
a detox sounds devine - now where do you buy those emotional detox kits again! : P
Denise said…
Pictures can be the worst thing in the world sometimes - I never look as good in a picture as I think I ought to. (LOL)
Belladora said…
I despise most pictures of myself. I'll have to take 30 pictures to find 1 that I find even remotely acceptable. I think we all see ourselves differently than we really look.

I spent well over a month shoveling crap into my body. New Years was kind of a new day for me too. We can all do it...we can all be happy and healthy...we just have to flip that switch and make the change.
Anonymous said…
detox. That sounds good. I think I might need that. :(
Anonymous said…
I know how you feel - went through the same thing a few weeks back. The good thing is that it's possibly a motivator - like a reality check, to get me moving and get things done.
Anonymous said…
Hey, just checking in. I hope you are doing ok. :)
Anonymous said…
Since you're seeing the light, it appears hope is still there. That's great news in itself. Hang in there (and pray that the rope doesn't turn out to be a -that- would really suck! LOL)
Anonymous said…
I hope that you haven't lost faith and are still hanging in there. I've been bouncing back and forth to see if you've updated, but ... well,I'm dismayed you haven't. I'd just hate to think you've lost the drive.
Anonymous said…
where are you chicken?
TitanThirteen said…
Hows it going? You fall off the planet or what? :o)
Anonymous said…
Okay, you can come out now! Come on, girl, an update soon and let us know you're still with us. We're all going through some tough times, but together we can make it through this, so get back on that bandwagon and stick to it. You've done so well, don't let a few bumps in the road keep you from what you want in life and even if that goal has changed, doesn't it help to know we're all still here supporting you in your decisions? Hope to hear from you real soon! Hugs - Missy

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