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Lately I haven't been very inspired. I know I want to lose weight. I really WANT to be able to fit into my size 10 jeans and I really want to look and feel better about myself.

I haven't been able to focus on it though. Somehow I make excuses and put off doing what I know I should be.

I have this girlfriend who has done amazingly well with her weight. She began going to see a personal trainer at the gym and has lost at least 2 sizes. She doesn't weigh herself, she just eats when she is hungry and works out.

She is looking so good that she has begun to inspire me.

Summer is just around the corner really. Yesterday it was 30 degrees. I was hot and put on a t-shirt. Then I saw my arms in the reflection of a shop window and cringed.

I know my arms have always been a problem for me because genetically my whole family has the same problem

Before the disc ruptured in my neck I was skipping and lifting weights which had my arms really toned. But because I suffered a lot of nerve damage and lost a lot of muscle, I have not been able to do those things so my arms have really suffered the lack of activity. In fact, for quite a while I couldn't even lift a bag of groceries.

I want to start lifting weights again, but I know I have to start off slowly. I need to get my arms in shape, because if I don't I will be miserable all summer.

I also want to start taking spinning classes. Joining a gym is too big a leap for me right now, but if I can go to a spin class maybe twice a week on top of the walking I already do, I am sure I will have a better chance of losing weight. Skipping is not an option because of the high impact and the jarring of the spine, but I can do some very light lifting and anything at all should help.

I am really going to do it this week. I am. I think I finally feel the kick in the bum.

There is nothing like seeing someone else successful to get me off the couch and working hard.


Brad said…
It is really inspiring and helpful for all of those people who want to get rid of weight problem.
Denise said…
Nice and easy does it for a little while and then you'll get into the spin of things and be ready for more. Perhaps you could get a session with a personal trainer so that they can set up a very light program for your upper body taking into account your restrictions?
Belladora said…
I'm glad to see you are still around and I'm happy to hear you are feeling motivated:)
...jus me said…
You can do it girl...I just got out of my unhealthy funk and am back strong now! I had old health issues rear their ugly little heads and it kinda spurred me on! Hope you don't overdo it.
Wenchy said…
I do not think my arms have ever been toned!
Anonymous said…
your pretty. xxxx
Anonymous said…
Go slow and light for good toning. I hate my arms and want to lift as heavy as I can but usually end up with sore muscles instead of toned...

Anonymous said…
seriously - i am going to do a terrible thing here and advertise Curves. I am totally loving it and have lost over 55cm in two months - about 27cm from my thighs and 6 from my arms and their weight loss plan is fantastic! Someone to inspire you is always great isn't it?
Anonymous said…
hey! i miss you!
Anonymous said…
i'm feeling gross too. come back and we'll inspire one another, okay?
Chris said…
I have heard nothing but good things about spin classes. A good girl friend of mine does it religiously. She has had huge improvements losing 20 lbs.

When I'm hitting that wall, I like to try on clothes that are one size smaller when shopping. It reminds me of how close I am to my next smaller sized clothes. I do this when I really want to eat bad food. It's my own personal pep talk.
Chikki said…
Nice to read your blog. I am trying to lose weight for my wedding in less than a year...need to lose 20 lbs that I've gained during law school etc. I have no motivation because

1. I think i still look good. :-)

2. I'm lazy

3. Exercise hurts.

Wenchy said…
Hey. Glad you have got some inspiration... arms.. yes.. I know what you mean.

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