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You may be wondering...

Ok. Where the hell have I been?

Getting fatter I think.

It seems my half-assed efforts are not really getting me anywhere. I did the best I ever did when I was with Weight Watchers, simply because I need accountability.

I want to rejoin. I may just have to bite the bullet and hand over the cash.

It makes sense to do what you know works right?

Ever listen to the song Stupid Girl, by Pink? When I hear it, and it gets to the end when the girl who just forced herself to throw up yells, "I want to be skinny!" I always, always nod my head in agreement.

Damn, that is so sad.

I want to be skinny.


Anonymous said…
hey there... not going to say anything trite or advice-ish, just HELlllOOOOO and glad to hear you're still there!

huggles, mate.
Belladora said…
I do too...I hear ya girl!
Denise said…
I have no good advice, so I'll just say that I'm here and I'll support you and send good thoughts.
I love ww. It really works for me.
Shannin said…
Sending you good vibes. I want to be skinny, too, although at this point I'd settle for being healthy...
strangelogik said…
I hear ya. Sometimes I feel that if I had the money I'd have the fat cut off or sucked out. Desperation sets in sometimes, ya know?
...jus me said…! Healthy...yes! Curvy...always! But I so understand the thought! Weight Watcher's is a good program. But unfortunately nothing works if you don't stick with it....that's my problem!
Anonymous said…
I've always wanted some temporary non-damaging form of Anorexia. Just for, you know, 8 or 10 weeks maybe. I've searched on ebay and it's not something you can buy.

Guess I'll do it the hard way. Back to my WW meeting tonight too.

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