I still haven't finished that section. I blame it on seeing myself in the story. The explanation of what happens to her and her desire for the shoes is similar to something I am experiencing now. The writer describes it as somewhat of a famine in her life. She was psychologically starving. Having something you need be missing from your life for a significantly long time is very detrimental to the decisions you make. I felt so fat yesterday. I had one of the worst self-image days I have had in a very long time. Everything contributed to it. I wanted to wear a jacket that is now too tight, it doesn't matter that when I bought it last winter it barely fit and I knew a half a kilo more would make it too small... I also felt every inch of my jeans pushing into my skin. I hate my legs and arms. Sometimes I want to cut strips off of my body. I don't like telling people these things. I think they will look at me and think what a crazy person I am. Does anyone else ever f...
addiction, food, alcohol, love, recovery