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I can't believe how much the Coco movie has diturbed me.  I am thinking of going to see it again this weekend when I will inevitably be alone.  I think the content is so close to home.
I identified with so much. I was so upset by it.
I'm learning so much about myself and feel that I'm on the right path, to feeling better.  I have been blessed so much with wonderful people around me.  I'm so glad to have lari back, even if she is on the farm most of the time.  Just knowing she is there helps me.
It is so good to have my sponsor, my psychologist, marie (who I see tonight) and nessa.  I can't believe how much support I have. I know you're not spiritual but I believe that someone is looking out for me.  She is looking for work and I saw her the past 2 weekends so I don't think I will see her this coming weeend.
The flatmates don't factor in too often, but it is a lot to expect from boys.  At first they loved and hugged me and let me cry on them,  but after 2 weeks it was back to normal. They both have their own lives to lead.  We did have an awesome roast on Sunday.  Those boys can seriously cook!  I saw the boy too, he picked up the library book for you mum. I think he is drinking too much. He is going through a lot of pain.  I wish I could help him.  But I don't think he really wants my help.  Sometimes we need to learn things by going through the shit.
I just booked in a settlement and the customer's surname was Elliot.
I miss my cats so much. and you.
This is the longest you've gone without speaking to me in ten years.
So much has happened and I don't even know if you will ever talk to me again.
A part of me thinks you will, but I can't get bogged down on it.
Life does go on. I have to keep living.
I wait for you. I want you to talk to me, but I know you will do it in your time.
I need you to talk to me.
I miss you very much.
I'm going to see stand up comedy tonight.  The guy who sold your mum the wi.  he sits next to me at work now.  He is a pretty cool guy.  I wish you were coming with me.  but I'm going with Reilly.
Just found out I am going to the farm this weekend to help lara get it all ready for her 30th.  I cannot wait to be in the country air, and -- if you were still in my life I wouldn't be able to go.  And now I can.


Anonymous said…
keep writing

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