Monday 18/12/2017 I have no idea how I made it through this weekend. I was completely mental. I went to an AA meeting yesterday, I got there early as was going completely insane, then I sat outside in the sun with some other members, all male. I’ve only talked to them a few times and have only been going to this meeting around every other Sunday because I’ve not really been feeling the need that bad until now. What I wanted was to be at the beach enjoying the day without sitting there in the sun, crying over how bad I want to drink. The good news is I didn’t drink, but the fact is I fought it all weekend. I had to daily make a decision to walk past the pub, the lawn-bowls club… to not go and gate crash my neighbour’s house party on Saturday night. It was horrendous. I want the cravings to go away. I don’t want to have to talk to myself, literally talk myself out of drinking for days at a time. I don’t want this to be this hard. Please God, ...
addiction, food, alcohol, love, recovery