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Showing posts from March, 2007

smiling faces

Just adjusting to being back in Austraila now. I wanted to share this photo. This was taken my last day in the US and the beautiful girl with me was my childhood best friend. We were at her younger sister's wedding. I had such a good time!

Life at 32

Did I make you worry? I am sorry if you have. I guess life got in the way again. I haven't made any progress with my weight, in fact I am bigger. I think around 80 kilos? I can't be very sure since I haven't exactly been weighing myself. I know that I have had to buy some clothes that are bigger than I think I am. Ever done that? You pick something off the rack that looks like it will fit you and then you get totally shocked when it is too tight? That really sucks. What a depressing way to start this blog entry! Anyway I've been on holiday for almost a month now and I've eaten a lot of home cooked meals; you know the kind... the ones where you don't want to know how much fat is in them. I turned 32 yesterday. I don't want to turn 33 and still be this weight either. I want to get myself back on track. I do plan on doing that too, as soon as I get back to Adelaide I am going to Weight Watchers and going to join some kind of gym/exercise program. I...