I saw a photograph of myself that was VERY disgusting and taken only last week. I had to stop and pause. Then I cried. Admittedly the position I was in and the clothes I was wearing were not very forgiving, but I was shocked. This is how I look? What a way to begin 2007! Last night I drank a lot, but I remember everything (so not that drunk). I made French Martinis! They were delicious, but made with chambord, vodka, and pineapple juice. Talk about heavy sugar intake! For lunch it was bbq sausages and for late night snacking, party pies! Yes, disgusting indeed. And today, for breakfast/lunch we had leftover sausages! This week I have got to detox, purge the junk out of my life (emotionally and physically). I need to find myself again. I am not happy. I think I am on the bottom of the pit. It is dark down here, but somewhere up above I see a light.
addiction, food, alcohol, love, recovery