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4 Weeks

I am now sober (again) for 4 weeks.  This time I have to say is different.
It is a lot of things, not just one thing that is different.
I started seeking spiritual help.
I started seeing a psychologist.
I keep myself happiest with at least 3 yoga sessions a week, as much time at the beach I can muster on the weekend, daily meditation, and most of the time 2-3 AA meetings per week.
So far I've managed to sometimes go days without thinking about having a drink, and when I do I shudder.  I know that it won't solve anything, and I don't want to undo any of the good not drinking has already done in my life.
I'm like a brand new person.

Physically I've lost like 2 sizes and people have said I glow, my skin is starting to improve and my clothes are just falling off of me so I bought some new to me clothes at a op-shop, all of which I love.
The past month has been extremely hard for a lot of reasons.
First of all I got VERY sick when I relapsed last.  I drank entirely too much.  I now understand why relapses can be so bad both physically and mentally.
I was told by my flatmate that she was going to be moving, and she will effectively be gone tomorrow.
Looking for a new flatmate has been very challenging and worrying.  I had my time wasted by a lot of people, needless to say I was feeling worried and it really tried my faith and trust.
However last night a woman who saw my ad online came to meet me and look at the place and low and behold.... she is a woman I met at an AA meeting when I first got out of rehab.  I have only seen her at one other meeting and it is also one I don't normally go to.
She has been sober for 3 months.
She will be moving in and I will now have a sober flatmate.
I am excited to see where this will lead, but admittedly I am worried too.
I know that it was meant to be though.
The HP couldn't have made it more bleeding obvious.
I need more help and voila, she arrived on my doorstep.
And she does Yoga.
And she likes to cook/bake.
I will update you on how this goes.
Stay tuned.


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