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last night

I bought this new pair of levi's yesterday, they're not exactly bell bottoms, but the legs are really large at the bottom. I don't know what the technical name is, but after sucking my breath in (no pun intended), they zipped up. I had to buy them though. I never thought this kind of jeans would look good on me. So even though they were so tight I could just barely breathe, I wore them out last night.

I used the self timer since mr. ralph wasn't around to take the pics for me, but here is what I looked like:


going out

It was an okay night. I got to dance a little bit and I didn't drink too much because I was worried about spending too much money. I've now decided that wearing heels when one is going out to dance is no longer an option. I need to find a nice looking pair of flat shoes or really short heeled shoes to wear when I go dancing. Plus my toes got crushed three times, and one of the times was by a huge guy that left a black tred mark across my poor little foot.


aprilbapryll said…
The top is really cute too!

Michele sent me :D
lainb said…
cute! i adore the top too!!
Anonymous said…
yep - they do look gr8 and i am with you no the heel things for dancing too! I used to love them and since i broke my ankle i just can't do it!!!!
Argy said…
The whole look is gorgeous!!!!
And don't sweat too much about this little gain :)
Anonymous said…
Well you certainly look lovely in those jeans. Makes me wish I was a young man again ! :)
Anonymous said…
I'm a fellow ww'er from the states and I've been lurking for a few months now. Your blog has been very refreshing, honest and inspirational. Keep it up. I have every faith that you will hit goal and maintain.

The whole ensemble looks fantastic!
Keep on keepin' on.

rebeccca from chicago
Unknown said…
You look so funky :o)

Gorgeous smile!!

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